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How companies can demonstrate their successful TISAX® assessment

Companies that have successfully completed the TISAX® assessment can be proud of this achievement. Meeting the TISAX® requirements is a significant achievement that demonstrates that a company meets high standards in terms of information security. However, unlike ISO 27001, companies do not receive a certificate after a TISAX® assessment. The conformity is not immediately recognizable to the outside world and it is not permitted to advertise it publicly. Nevertheless, there are ways to communicate the successful evaluation.

The new decorative TISAX®assessment document

ENX, the operator of the TISAX® system, now offers a decorative TISAX® assessment document. This automatically generated document can be accessed by TISAX® participants and fulfills the terms of use of the TISAX® trademarks. It contains important information about the scope, the assessment and the corresponding objectives.

This document can be retrieved for all completed scopes and displayed as a decorative element at each tested location. This allows companies to make their success visible without violating the TISAX® terms of use.

How to generate the TISAX®assessment document

To create the decorative TISAX® assessment document, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the ENX portal: Log in to the ENX portal and go to the “Scopes and checks” section.
  2. Select the desired scope: Click on the drop-down menu to the right of the corresponding scope.
  3. Generate the document: Select the option “Generate decorative assessment document”. The document is created automatically and is available for you to download.

This document is purely decorative and may not be passed on to customers or business partners.

Share TISAX® test results with business partners

If you would like to share your TISAX assessment results with business partners, you can do so via the ENX portal. In the “Exchange” section of your scope, you have the option of specifying with whom you would like to share your results.

  1. Go to the “Exchange” section: Log in to the ENX portal and navigate to your scope.
  2. Select the business partner: Click on the drop-down menu to the right of the name of the business partner with whom you would like to share your results.
  3. Generate the document: Select the option “Generate copy of information shared document”. This document can be provided to your business partner as proof of your TISAX assessment.


Although companies do not receive an official certificate after a successful TISAX assessment, there are still ways to make this achievement visible. The new decorative TISAX assessment document from ENX allows companies to show their compliance without violating the TISAX terms of use. In addition, test results can be shared securely and efficiently with business partners via the ENX portal. This enables companies to communicate their high information security standards transparently and professionally.