Knowledge with added value

Our workshops on the subject of TISAX®


The workshop includes a review of the TISAX® requesting customers to ensure that all requirements are well defined and set in the context of your business.

After this workshop, you will know whether you or your company are ready for the TISAX® assessment.

Readiness assessment for TISAX®

The readiness assessment for TISAX® is a comprehensive process to prepare for TISAX® certification. It comprises several steps to review the existing documents, audit reports and requests from the label claimant and to develop a systematic approach to achieving the TISAX® label.



The aim is to develop a systematic procedure for obtaining the TISAX® label and an initial assessment of the existing system.

The readiness assessment for TISAX® is a comprehensive process to prepare for TISAX® certification. It comprises several steps to review the existing documents, audit reports and requests from the label claimant and to develop a systematic approach to achieving the TISAX label. At the beginning, the existing VDA ISA or ISMS audit reports are reviewed, if available. This creates a basis for identifying measures that have already been taken and any potential for improvement. The existing management system documents are also reviewed in order to obtain an overview of the existing structures and processes.

The evaluation of the label claimant’s request also plays an important role. Here, the protection objective, the test objective and the scope are analyzed in order to understand which specific requirements must be met. The need for action is determined in interviews with selected process owners. These discussions provide important information and insights for initiating targeted measures for TISAX® certification.

The next step is to draw up a high-level road map outlining the path to obtaining the TISAX® label. This road map provides an overview of the steps required to achieve the goal and serves as a guide for further action. Specific “next steps” are also defined to drive the process forward and ensure that all relevant aspects are taken into account.

This enables flexible implementation according to the individual requirements and context of the company. After completing the readiness assessment, participants will have a clear understanding of what needs to be done and what next steps are required to obtain the TISAX® label. The TISAX® readiness assessment helps organizations to build a solid foundation for TISAX® certification and to develop an efficient and targeted approach to implementing the required measures.


The workshop includes a review of the TISAX® requesting customers to ensure that all requirements are well defined and contextualized to your business. A general review of the existing systems for an Information Security Management System (ISMS) in accordance with TISAX® is carried out in order to identify any gaps or potential for improvement.

The internal and external expenses in connection with TISAX® are also explained. The resources and measures required to meet the TISAX® requirements are clarified. The testing process and the various assessment levels are explained in detail to provide a comprehensive understanding of the certification process. The workshop will provide recommendations and a possible procedure for implementing the VDA ISA requirements. This enables participants to plan and implement concrete steps to fulfill the TISAX® requirements in their company.

At the end of the workshop, participants will have a clear understanding of the requirements of their TISAX® demanding customers. They receive an explanation of the requirements for their ISMS and are prepared for the complex audit process by approved audit service providers and ENX. They also receive an overview of the possible scope of the introduction of TISAX® in their company and possible next steps.

The flexible design of the workshop allows the specific requirements and needs of each company to be taken into account in order to provide customized support in preparing for TISAX® certification.