How companies can demonstrate their successful TISAX® assessment

Companies that have successfully completed the TISAX® assessment can be proud of this achievement. Meeting the TISAX® requirements is a significant achievement that demonstrates that a company meets high standards in terms of information security. However, unlike ISO 27001, companies do not receive a certificate after a TISAX® assessment. The conformity is not immediately recognizable […]

First steps with TISAX®

There it is: the requirement from your customer that you must provide evidence of the TISAX® label. So that you can start the TISAX® assessment process well prepared, our colleague Eva Claas has summarized all the important basics for you in this video: – What do the preparations generally look like? – Who from the […]

TISAX® – our guide for companies

Your customer asks you for proof of the TISAX® label. What now? There it is, the information from your customer that you or your company should now please provide proof of a TISAX® label. Now the question arises as to what exactly needs to be done, which departments need to be involved and how the […]

Do I need TISAX if I already have ISO 9001 or ISO 27001?

To provide an overview, the standards and mechanisms are briefly explained, including a comparison of ISO 9001 and 27001 TISAX®: TISAX® (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) is the automotive industry’s (VDA) response to the growing need for security among project partners regarding confidential information. It is a mechanism for testing and exchange to recognize results […]

Understanding business processes and protecting information

Understand business processes easily and protect information at the same time – Quam® and OPTIQUM make it possible! Who does what, with what and according to what rules? Workflows, processes and the associated rules in the company are often complex and highly interconnected – and therefore often difficult to understand. Quam® not only brings light […]

Tips for more information security

Information security is becoming increasingly important in the face of growing cyber attacks. However, many companies are slow to focus on this topic. We have put together some tips for you on how you can improve security in your company effectively and sustainably. Employee training By far the greatest risk to data security in companies […]

TISAX® – the different assessment levels and assessment objectives

Within TISAX® there are 3 assessment levels (AL1-3) and 10 assessment objectives, also known as TISAX® labels, depending on the grade protection requirements. You must select the appropriate ALs and test targets depending on your client’s requirements. To give you a better overview, we have compiled an overview here: The assessment levels Assessment level 1 […]