The test objectives / TISAX® label

The Info high “Information with a high grade of protection requirements” assessment objective is the minimum for a TISAX assessment. Additional test targets are optional. Depending on the information you are processing, you may need to add further test targets. 1. info high (AL2) Information with high protection requirements 2. info very high (AL3) Information […]

TISAX for media agencies and service providers

Why TISAX certification is essential for media agencies and service providers in the areas of print, events and event management in cooperation with the automotive industry. TISAX® serves the cross-company recognition of information security assessments in the automotive industry and creates a common assessment and exchange mechanism for this purpose. This label is intended to […]

Exciting times in the automotive industry – IT security in Germany

Cyberattacks are now part of everyday life in the global newsfeed. There is hardly a day when you don’t read or hear about attacks on IT by cyber criminals. And in the recent past in particular, well-known companies in the automotive industry have fallen victim to such cyber attacks – we provide a brief outlook […]